

  • Resources
  • API Testing
    • Postman
    • Insomia
  • Web directory bruteforcers
    • dirb (run dirb on terminal)
    • dirbuster (requires GUI)
    • gobuster (similar tool)
    • dirsearch(faster alternative to dirb) GitHub
  • Web crawlers
  • Packet utils
    • Burp Suite (requires GUI) Website
    • wget

Key Concepts

  • XXE (XML external entity) injection
    • Happens when an application parses uses data from XML files which can be modified to be malicious
    • Website
  • LFI (Local File Inclusion)
    • Commonly found in PHP web application (maybe through Wordpress plugins etc)
    • Vulnerable websites can allow you to access local files through directory traversal
    • Look out for ways where you can supply a file path and it is served as a download/printed to the page
  • XSS
    • Stored XSS
      • Website uses external resources that contains malicious code
      • If an SVG with XSS payload is in an iframe or embed of a website, it can be executed
    • Reflected XSS
      • When queries to a website is handled and returned in an unsafe way
    • DOM based XSS
      • Client side attack, browser executes payload that didn’t came from the server
  • SQL Injection
    • Testing
      • Try using one (single or double) quote for the input and see if there is any errors
      • If an error is returned, the website might be vulnerable
    • Types of attack
      • Union based attack
        • Application displays the output of the query, allowing you to steal information from the database
      • Error based attack
        • Application returns an error with details about the query, helping you to craft queries to bypass checks
    • Resources
  • Query Selector Injection
    • In MongoDB + NodeJS web apps
      • Query for login details
      • Malicious input
      • {"$gt": “”} will result in true, $gt is a query selector which compares with ""
    • Mitigation
      • Make sure input gets sanitised as string
      • Remove $ and . to prevent query selectors
  • CSRF

    • Steps to test for CSRF Guide
  • Broken Authentication

    • Steps to test for Broken Authentication Guide
  • Apache

    • .htaccess files are configuration files for its directory
  • Practice

    • bWAPP, a free and open source deliberately insecure web application Website
  • Common python applications pitfalls

    • Article explainling various common python application pitfalls which can be exploited Website
  • Common files

    • robots.txt contains information for crawlers to know which files and directories it has permission to check, this could potentially show hidden files
    • sitemap.xml contains infomation about the pages a site has to help search engines crawl and index through the website faster
  • AWS configuration flaw

    • Pacu, a web exploitation framework for exploiting configuration flaws in AWS servers GitHub
  • Cookie Attack

  • Server-side Template Injection (SSTI)


Written By

GitHub Contributor Team