Related Tools
- Social Media
- Sherlock GitHub
python3 sherlock [username]
- OSINT telegram bot
- to search by: Email, Image, Phone, Location, Telegram ID, Domain, VK ID, IP Address
- To find: GAIA ID, Activity on google services (map reviews, calendar, google+, etc.), Instagram, Myspace, Leaks
- Sherlock GitHub
- Reverse Search
- Search engines (Using dorks) Google Bing
- you can use any search engines of your choice
- tineye, a reverse image search engine (Website)
- Google Images, Google Lens
- The Wayback Machine
- Search engines (Using dorks) Google Bing
- Personal Details
- Framework
Key Concepts
- when given USERNAME, run through sherlock/google to find websites where the username turns up. consider
- when given EMAIL
- consider sending an email to the address (with throwaway email) because there might be an automated reply (thanks josh)
- consider running it through a reverse email checker (I haven’t found one that works) or obtaining the GAIA ID to check for google activity