Social Engineering
- lets go phishing
- run the
application - enter the
browser dashboard
, create anew profile
- try importing a
landing page
- try setting up an
email template
- setting up
users and groups
- monitor campaign
- run the
Web & HTTP Protocol
- HTTP method enumeration
- curl
, OPTIONS will let you know what you can do - curl
is HEAD request - dirb
dirb http://demo.ine.local
- curl post request
curl -X POST demo.ine.local/login.php -d "name=john&password=password" -v
- curl upload file
curl demo.ine.local/uploads/ --upload-file hello.txt
- burp suite, setup foxyproxy click the
fox icon
and selectburp suite
, send to repeater and modify the request
- curl
- Passive crawling with burp suite
- burp suite, setup foxyproxy click the
fox icon
and selectburp suite
- go to the proxy tab and turn off intercept
- navigate to dashboard, ensure passive crawling is enabled and browse the application
- burp suite, setup foxyproxy click the