Purchasing the exam
- INE has a black friday sale that usually occurs every year
- During the sale, the price of the exam will drop from around $299 to $199 (with complementary ICCA Cloud certification)
- The exam (2 attempts) comes with a course (only for eJPT and ICCA, valid for one year) and the exam within 6 months (3 months after first attempt)
Exam format
- VPN keys for machines will be provided at the start
- You will be given a set of 35 exam questions, use them as hints and plan how to navigate the machines (only bruteforce when needed)
- Most are bruteforce and not exploits
- Use hydra with
wordlists - Every SSH and FTP service need to upload/download for points
- Submit your dynamic flags ASAP, graded by not just the answers but also what you did on the VM
- WordPress (wpscan), Drupal is important but not taught
- The topology usually contains 3 machines, one with access to the internal network
Exam results
- Will update after taking the exam